Sat, May 21 2011 - Arkaquah & Raven Cliff -- Flowers, vistas, and falls (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Amy, Tanja B
Participants:Tanja B, Scott Looper, patricia, Kirk W, Stefan, Viranuj, Caroline, Michelle A, brenda, Marcus, Bob J, Marshall, Andy, Amy, Armin

Write Up:

The weather was great yesterday and we left the park & ride right after sunrise at 6:30 am. After a quick stop at the McDonald's along the way, we pressed on to the trailhead at Track Rock Gap. We started our hike at 9 am. The views along the ridge were great with lots of blooming rhododendron and mountain laurel. At the top we ate lunch while we admired the view of all 4 states! 

After making it back to the trailhead we hopped in our cars and headed over to Raven Cliff Falls. The trail here is rarely far from the creek it follows and we were able to enjoy multiple waterfalls along the way. About 2.5 miles later we sat at the base of the cliffs to enjoy the falls, some climbed to the top, others relaxed for a bit, but eventually we decided it was time to head back to the parking lot. I think Caroline's GPS said we hiked almost 19 miles. It was 7 o'clock and time to return to the park & ride and then home. It was a good day!