Sat, Mar 16 2013 - ^^ Summit GA’s Highest Peaks: #4 - Blood Mountain (4458’) ^^ (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Robin
Participants:Robin, Andrea Nunn, Cherie McInturff, Teri, Lambros, barbara, Ayo

Write Up:

The morning started off a little chilly with the 20 mph winds, however, we warmed right up hiking up Blood Mountain. Once at the top, we enjoyed the great views while we ate our lunch. We meet several thru hikers begining their journey north and a crazy group of college students dressed in costumes. We even saw two deer on the trail which is unusual for the heavily traveled trail. After the hike we stopped at the Mountain Crossings store where a few of us did a little shopping. Overall, it turned out to be a beautiful warm day.