Sun, Feb 10 2013 - Wellness Hike #2 - Suwanee Greenway Trail (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Ofelia
Participants:Ofelia, Stan, Denise A, Tatiana, Gail Kelly, India, Linda, Donna A, Michelle

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Write Up:

Fast and Fury - meaning we were picking up our pace to beat the rain and we surely did! We reached the 3.0 mile marker and finished the total distance of 6 miles in 2 hours. These hikers were fast, though we managed to have a short break with Wellness session on nutrition and prevention of heart disease topics. Having Donna A, our RN was very helpful with more information to back up preventive measures. Stan was a great sport to accompany 8 speedy queens.  Thanks speeders and see you again soon!