Sat, Feb 9 2013 - Wellness Hike #1 -Sawnee Mountain Preserve (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Ofelia
Participants:Ofelia, Jerry K, Donna A, ron a, Maria I, ms100

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Write Up:

We were going Red today! A good kickoff for "Go Red for Heart Women" - preventing heart disease in women. Welcome Mariela and good to have our good hikers, Jerry, Ron and Donna, and especially Maria! We completed the trails as planned including the Egglett Trail. The sun was giving us warmth as we got to the top. Oh yes, we had our mini-class in Nutrition and Prevention of Heart Disease, we talked about sources of cholesterol, saturated fats and all the things that put us at risk for heart disease.  What a beautiful day! Thank you guys!!!