Sat, Jun 8 2013 - Lookout Mountain, here we come! (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Beth H, Melanie Marks
Participants:Beth H, Melanie Marks, Peter W., Katie Morris, Atul Agarwal, Nancy R., Mike, Mary, Amanda B.

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Write Up:

What a beautiful day! We started out with a tough little climb up the Kiddie Trail and then a nice walk through the woods to Skyuka Spring, which had plenty of water. After a climb up to the Bluff Trail we had lunch at a nice overlook. We got to watch some rock climbers as we made out way to Sunset Rock where we met some nice people who took our picture. We took a quick turn around Point Park where a historyically dressed musical group was just finishing up as part of the Riverbend Music Festival.