Sat, Mar 29 2008 - Mount Yonah - Rock Climbing (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Susan Cooper, John Bell
Participants:Tanya Ensell, John Bell, Susan Cooper

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We decided to give this trip a new title: "Mt. Yonah - 30% chance of !@#$!!!" Well, it wasn't too hard to tell who the hardcore climbers were. They were the ones that actually showed up, despite an adverse weather forecast! We almost canceled the trip, but thought it would at least be fun just to get outside and at least do some hiking even if it rained. Sure enough. We hiked up about a mile and a half of pretty steep, slightly aerobic terrain, and arrived at the lower climbing area just in time for the sky to open up and downpour on us. We did manage to get one climb set up, but had to abandon even a thought of climbing due to the rain. The trip ended up with good conversation over lunch in Helen.