Sun, May 4 2014 - Silver Comet - Coot’s to Rambo and back (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Garrett, Ryan Graham
Participants:Linda, Karen, Ryan Graham, Bob D., Garrett

Write Up:

Due to traffic we started the event about 15 min late, and everyone had a great attitude. This was Garretts final co-lead to become a AOC trip leader. To start the trip Ryan took the lead as Garrett swept, and the group started at mile marker 32. The bikers headed the direction of mile marker 21, Rambo, named after the Rambo nursery. Around mile marker 27, at a one of the few road crossings, the AOCers ran across 2 very vocal horses at the edge of their romping ground. We enjoyed the location for a quick drink as one of the members fed the horses carrots.

Back on the path the group quickly arrived at Rambo. At the Rambo location the group took a break enjoying the shade and cool breeze. Though the day was in the low 80's, the shade was quite a bit cooler, and this section of the Silver Comet is well shaded. On the return trip to Coot's Garrett took the lead and Ryan swept. A stop was planned at the tunnel near mile marker 31 for a group photo.

The final numbers were approx 12 miles in 3 hours. However with the late start and breaks, we compleated the ride in approximatly 2.5 ride time max.


Karen, Linda, Bob, Garrett and Ryan were the members to make this trip.

Thanks you all for joining and adding to this event,