Fri, Jun 6 2008 - Summer Cave Carnival (View Original Event Details)

Trip Leader(s): Hilke Neuerburg, Tom Collins
Participants:Tom Collins, Hilke Neuerburg, EB, Charina, Lucy Clinton, Chris Kelcourse, Elise Kelcourse, Cristy, Anke, MATT S, Melanie Dixon, Michelle Spence, Erin Weathers, Jods, Daniel Hussey, Anita, Wilhard Rass, Lynn B, Martin, Rachel K, Keith K, JLinn, Lee Harris, Francisco Valdes, Stacey Springer, Sharon Floyd, Patrick Barry, Lauren E, James , Travis, wendydorman, Stephanie, Sharon S, Tony Forman, Morgan Fuller, Karen Leung, Jason Kotz, James A

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Write Up:
Well, it was a long drive, but everyone had fun. We now have several new people that want to go try some more caves. They're hooked! We got up there late Fri night, set up out tents, built a fire and visited some of the other campers. The next morning was busy as we were all trying to get ready for our cave trips. A slight snag as the beginner group called to tell me that their trip leader had not gotten the message that he was leading the trip and had left. Hilke & I just split them in half added them to our own trips we were leading. It worked out well in the end. That evening, the advanced group told me about their trip. It was long, hard, involved a lot of climbing & crawling, and that they were all scratched up and exhausted. Oh yeah, they also said they LOVED it! After washing up and eating, then we started to enjoy ourselves at camp. Free beer and a live band! The next morning saw about half our group decline going caving on Sunday. So we all went to the same cave, but split our group in half and went in different directions inside. What a fun cave. Out in 2 hours and on to a Mexican lunch. Then the long drive home. How come driving home always seems longer than going there? Also, Sharon lost her black ipod. If anyone found it, please let her or me know. Thanks to everyone who came out and had fun with us! Here's the picture links: